Two Rivers Angel Network
A network of accredited investors, investing in
Thief River Falls area startups.
Investing in Thief River Falls Area Entrepreneurs
The Thief River Falls area has a strong culture of entrepreneurship and is home to world class companies like Digi-Key and Textron Specialized Vehicles. These, and many other leading companies in the area, were launched by local people with an idea and the passion to turn that idea into a profitable business. Two Rivers Angel Network is a new group of accredited investors who have come together to invest in the area’s startup and emerging companies.
A platform bringing angel investors and entrepreneurs together.
Two Rivers Angel Network is a group of angel investors who are interested in investing in local business ventures. Network members recognize the importance of supporting entrepreneurs at every stage of growth, all the way from startup to successful business venture.
All types of industries are eligible to apply for funding, including retail, service, manufacturing and technology, and the Network can consider investments of any size.
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